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Messages - nabeelnaz

Dear Experts,

My apologies for a long post :)

I share my internet (payment monthly) with different houses in the neighborhood using APs and LAN switches. Currently the setup is quite simple and users are given shared keys and they connect to the network.

The issue is as most of the time the users share the internet furthermore without me getting paid. Also I cannot identify the devices as which house owns them and which AP they using. Another issue is as if one house doesn't pay for the internet, I need to change the password of the AP and every user connected to that AP has to join the SSID again. Bandwidth misuse is cherry on the top.

After a lot of sleepless nights, I understood as I need to have a Radius server and some sort of network monitoring software to control my network. I tried setting up FreeRadius on Raspberry that I failed. Read about Zambix but still not sure if it will support my situation. I don't need a payment service etc. only my network control.

I turned to commercial solution to my problem and bought a Cisco Meraki MX64 but learned as its just a paperweight without licensing.

Can experts please help me with my situation. I am willing to buy a commercial box (without reoccurring charges) that has a RADIUS, LAN security and Network monitoring. Currently I am using Asus RT-AC88U, Asus RT-AC3200 and couple of TPLink routers.

I am fairly knowledgeable with networking however an follow instructions.

Many thanks in advance :)