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Messages - drjarmin

Hi Dieselboy, yes this is exactly what I'm looking to do so I could, for example, stream Plex from my home server when I'm travelling (just one use case but gives an idea).

Something like TeamViewer I guess ?
Hello, I am using a 5G router (Peplink Max) for my internet connection to my home network.  It's external port IP address is a private address (ie 10.x.x.x) so its using NAT within the cell company's network. 

I would like to be be able to access certain services from my home network externally (for example PLEX, or the ability to access files on my storage).

I have spent a lot of time researching this and the answer I seem to land on is either...

i) as my ISP to allocate an external IP to my router (they have declined)

ii) Set my ISP router in bridge mode. But this doesn't work as its external IP address is not internet facing - its being 'NAT'ed' to use a phrase.

Is there any clever way I could get past this? My router is a Peplink Max and my internal network is managed by a Ubiquiti Dreammachine. Not sure if that advice helps....

Thanks in advance.