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Messages - packetloss

May want to compare them for features with TP-Link Archer models

So, any router can do the items I asked about?
Routing and Switching / Router purchase / setup advice.
January 25, 2023, 01:28:05 PM
I recently had ATT Fiber installed.  They said I must use their provided  BGW320 Router, but I can switch it to just act as a Modem and run my own router.

Here's what I would like to do.


  - Acting as modem

2) ____ Router:

-- Eth01  - This block routed direct to the internet for my work PC (windows).  This is to isolate  it from the rest of my home network.

-- Eth02  - Mix of half a dozen Linux & Windows boxes routing all external traffic through a VPN Service (like nord or the like) setup on the Router

WiFi#1 WIFI LAN running the same IP Block as Eth02 for mobile devices (Cell/tablets) so these computers can access local file server & Network printer.  - WiFi#2 Guest Wifi network  for visiting friends. This too isolated from my home network.

The sales guy at Microcenter said any of these 3 would work great with #1 being the preferred and #3 the least.




I was a little confused by this as #2 has the quad core so I would  have assumed it to be the more powerful router.
I'm a fan of ASUS mobo's so that's why I was primarily looking at asus routers but if there are better options I'm happy to look at those instead.