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Messages - EOS

Security / Re: SSL Renewal Question
July 17, 2017, 01:04:47 PM
Thank you!

I'd hate to renew it, have it issued, then the one that's currently applied fails.  Certs are not my strong suite eith.... YET  :)
Security / SSL Renewal Question
July 17, 2017, 09:11:57 AM
We have a wildcard SSL Cert that is going to expire next month.   We use GoDaddy

If we renewed that SSL Cert today and had the new one issued, would the old one (still attached to our F5's) become invalid?
Dean!!  Fall/winter/spring are for studying!!

Summer time = have some fun   :banana:
In our small non- production offices (8 - 20users) we use our 3750's as the DHCP.

Knock on wood, no issues with it in that small office environment.
Security / Re: My City Was Hacked
April 10, 2017, 06:01:03 AM
I was reading about that this morning...    And you have a good point, maybe the alarms weren't false..
We're in the 9.5 range too...  Decision on which version should be decided next week.. 
Anyone going with the 9.7.1-4?   

We're undecided on which way to go..   and We have a while before the bug is triggered on our ASA's
Nice work!

Thank you for sharing
Forum Lobby / Re: PASSED!!!! CCNP ROUTE 300-101
February 10, 2017, 09:07:17 AM
AWESOME!!!    Bet that felt good.    :pub:
OUCH!!    Missing it by 1 question would really p*ss me off to!

I would vote for a retake sooner, rather than later.  Start studying up on the topics you struggled in, then go ace it!
Forum Lobby / Re: Current frustration...
January 30, 2017, 08:14:07 AM
Certifications and Careers / Re: Passed TSHOOT
January 27, 2017, 02:48:45 PM
Congrats!!    :woohoo:

At least you have that out of the way now
Forum Lobby / Fidget Spinners ! ? ! ?
January 20, 2017, 09:41:18 AM
Have you guys seen these or have one??  It's perfect for the desk at work because I always find myself playing with something while on calls or reading.. 

I ended up buying this one.
Forum Lobby / Re: /sigh no one liked my network map.
January 19, 2017, 01:05:46 PM
DAMN!   If my co-worker did that, I'd be all over it asking to see what he did to get that.
Oh Hell Yeah!!!!

Thanks for sharing.   Was asked 2 weeks ago to spearhead network automation in our company and we're going with Ansible.   

So...  I'm now teaching myself Ansible.