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Messages - pkoko3

Thank you so much for all of that information. Could you help me with a few workarounds please? Here are the issues..

I cannot access a private IP anymore. I used to be able to. And then one day I was automatically redirected to this new public IP for router log in. I was redirected for months and eventually gave up and started going directly to the new IP to log into my router. Now when I try to access my default gateway or local address, the server times out and never connects. I don't know if this is helpful or not but /ui/ is automatically added to the end of my IP when I type it into the address bar.

I have a windows computer but am using Ubuntu Linux via USB in order to access the internet. I was forced to do this because my "access is denied" to anything internet or network related in Windows. In Ubuntu when I try to do anything admin related, I'm also restricted and denied access. For reference, this computer was purchased by me and has only been owned by me. Is there a way to undo these restrictions? 

I've contacted my ISP numerous times and they never have an answer as to what is causing the IP and numerous prefix changes. And the only solution they offer is sending me a new router. I do this and within a week or so, I'm back to the same issues. I've changed every password. I switched out the hard drive on my computer. I don't know what I'm missing that is leaving unauthorized access. 
First, thank you so much for taking the time to reply and help me! Second, yes the router login is available from anywhere, any device, any ISP. I have changed routers multiple times and within weeks it's the same cycle every time- my router login address changes, which then matches my public IP address, and my ISP says my IP should be something totally different. What are the possible contexts/reasons for the different IPv6 prefixes? It probably helps to know that my network and devices are compromised by an ex, hence my efforts to "unhack" myself. Thank you again for any help you can provide.
My default gateway address used to be However, recently when I typed that into the address bar, I was redirected to a different address to log into my router with. This new router address is now also my public IP address.
Also, when I log into this (new) router address, it shows my IPv6 starting with 2605:6000:9fc0:007b:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx: However when I check my computer's network settings, 2603:8080:a00:4035:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx is shown as my IPv6. 
What (if anything) does this indicate? 
PS: Please be patient with my lack of knowledge here. I know very little about networking and am trying to sort out an ongoing issue. I really appreciate any help you can provide. Thank you!