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Messages - kurtAran

Thank you for reply. I am greatly pleased.

I found some solution creating a port forward to local IP address of the camera in jetson.

considering  jetson's IP address is

if we go to address then this address will be forwarded to which is the local camera address accessible in jetson device. I guess this is possible using IP tables in linux although I am using nginx for such redirection.
The camera's admin panel is a webpage. It is even ok if I can access the camera admin page from my computer. I can access this page from jetson.

I can create a image forwarder from rtsp to http image in my computer but I want networking solution not programming related.

port forwarding is also possible maybe. is it?

I have a jetson device (NVIDIA Jetson, small Linux computer) connected to a switch. 2 IP cameras are connected to the switch also. I can see the camera feed from browser on jetson device. The jetson device is also connected to a wifi that my computer is connected to. How can I see the camera feeds from my computer? What settings do I need to adjust in linux?

P.S. While I am creating account the system asked me decimal equivalent of binary number 100000009.
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