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Messages - vongo1ax

Security / Daily Cyber-Harrassment
July 27, 2023, 03:46:16 PM
 Good evening,
I have been dealing with daily cyberharrassment from some loser in my neighborhood. I do not have a background in networking or cybersecurity. This person is on my network and is accessing my devices from my phone to my PC. This is my parents house so they also have access to their devices as well. So this is a very frustrating situation for me.  They are remoting into my computer and clicking around moving my mouse interrupting my videos. they are making threats by way of interacting with whatever media i am watching example: say someone shoots someone on netflix, they will pause my video to send a message. I need this cowards information to provide to the police. I need to gather identifying information of the user like their IP address and anything else that will allow me to make a report to the police so they can investigate the situation. I have Kali and Ubuntu downloaded in a virtualbox, i have wireshark pcaps of times during the intrusion and i have snort Logs of when they are accessing my pc. I need help in making sense of these logs and determining where the exploits are coming from and can provide these logs if needed. I would kindly appreciate any suggestions and ways to go about getting this information. Let me know what else you would like me to provide