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Messages - user544

Routing and Switching / Noob networking concerns
September 17, 2023, 06:12:17 AM
hi to all, I hope this isnt to newbish a qauestion. I haqve been taqsked with setting up a cameraq at a remote location, with no power I will be using a 24v solar system to aqccomplish this I have power coming to a nanostqation via the solar controller which is passed through a regulator into a 24VDC passive poe injector a cat6 cable from the injector POE out to the 24v paqssive nanostation m2 now I can disable the passthrough port via airmax software run a cable from its secondary port to another DC poe injector that runs at 48v passive out through to the unifi 48v passive camera, my concern is will this work or will it backfeed 48V back through to the nanostaqtion and fry the port?