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Messages - nw2841

Hi I'm new and am not an IT or networking professional living in UK.

I use Mobile internet at home [Unlocked Huwaei router with unlimited sim EE 4G - (5G capable)] My goal is essentially to try and overcome CGNAT restrictions for multiplayer gaming (Namely the inability to obtain a static IP and thus not have a strict NAT. So far my searches on the web (nervous laughter) have lead me to the conclusion that possible ways to over come this are;

Use Wi-Fi 6, easy done!
The VPN solution: Buy a router with Open VPN/Wireguard VPN capability (aka double nat?) (I'm with NordVPN)

I guess I just wanted to find if this is possible or explore these or other options. Or if I'm flat out wasting my time with this venture and is not possible to achieve? Has anyone got a set up like this?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.