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Messages - Svenchen

Hello guys.

I have a networking challenge that I hope the community can help me solve. Here's the setup:

On the 9th floor, I have a PC, NVR, 2 private cameras, and an internet router. On the 2nd floor, I've placed an access point and a smart switch, both of which need internet connectivity from the 9th-floor router. Additionally, on the ground floor, there's a main switch that connects to all the cameras.

My goal is to isolate the 9th-floor cameras and internet from the main switch, but I still want the 2nd-floor access point to have internet access. The tricky part is that I only have one cable running from the 9th floor to the 2nd floor.

to conclude: I want to connect my NVR to the main switch. and the access point to my main router that provides internet to share internet in the 2nd floor. isolated from each other using only 1 cable from the 9th floor.