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Messages - ggnfs000

Routing and Switching / Re: using smartphone as a gateway
November 16, 2023, 09:21:40 PM
Quote from: deanwebb on November 12, 2023, 10:35:42 AMIt may be that the operation has to be done on a smart phone that has the OS broken into, in order to expose features that cell providers would rather have shut off.
what do you think it could be that cell phone providers shut off?
On a plusnote, i setup routing and remote access on my windows 2012 server and it worked some of my devices at my home!!
router is between home local LAN and USB connected smartphone which provides access.
With this configuration, Out of 6-7 devices at home, 2 of my devices (pc and laptop) had internet access through windows 2012 server acting as router. But rest did not have. Although it is welcome news that it worked, it still seems flaky.

I also not sure why other devices were not able to get online.
I installed wireshark perhaps to investigate and find something.
Routing and Switching / Re: using smartphone as a gateway
November 11, 2023, 11:14:18 PM
I am thinking following possible configurations.
Some sort windows server or linux server PC (or miniPC) with two network cards (one is ethernet and other is USB-C).
Setup dhcp to server the ethernet port.
Connect wireless switch to ethernet.
Confirure windows or linux server as a router so that all traffic from ethernet side will go to USB.

I read online about it somewhere, articles are scarce but at least one article said it may not work (not certain though) as wireless internet through smartphone uses different protocols or something.
Routing and Switching / using smartphone as a gateway
October 25, 2023, 03:10:00 AM
I searched online and lot of topics are about hotspot which I am not interested. since all hot stop slows down after a while. And then there are another set of topics that are about using Android's USB tethering to setup a PC (that itself is simple enough) but then there are some third topics about using PC that is using USB tethering acting as a gateway. So that other ehternet port become Local LAN interface and connected to switch. Is it possible? I am thinking about adventure. What hurdles will i encounter.
I am looking for cheaper and used type of any iSCSI card with boot capability or BOOT ROM during BIOS Power on self test.
I can not afford obviously the enterprise grade card with multiple 1000$ worth. Any suggestion?
I bought one from ebay "Intel EXPI9404PT Ethernet PRO/1000 PCI-E PT Quad Port Server Adapter" but it arrived DOA and i dont even know this card had boot capability.
I am talking about both reverse and fwd zones but I am mostly interested in fwd zone as it enables logging to any system without regards to its IP address for convenience.

Some of my home pc and laptops started failing to connect to internet (on network status it is connected but no internet access).  At least one of my laptop has no access to some of the websites (not all) i.e., became inaccessible. I isolated this due to the fact that in the IPv4 applet, I specified the dns as sj.home domain and specified both comcast DNS ip (2 of them) and home DNS (serving domain sj.home).

My rough guess is that two different root domain competing in those environment. i came to this conclusion after removing the sj.home domain from network interface properties. Then problem went away.

Anyway, I only spent few days with dns, looks like much more learning is underway :).
Ok i setup domain name sj.home which is administered by win2012 server at home. No ad dc just dhcp and dns.  Comcast l's f-ing router always sux, this one i have doesnt let me disable its own dhcp so i setup its scope to just 1 IP address capacity and another dhcp from winserver. For dns i am using 3 dns -s. Comcast's own, and the one i setup at home Dhcp network is also I got everything working and dns entries are being added dns zones and can see that. Only concern is dhcp server will send out 3 dns server ip and whether hosts will try to send updates to comcast dns which i assume may not. I am assuming that is no because it is different network. For that i did simple experiment, made the winserver a mhomed host by adding another interface along with corresponding dhcp and dns entries. I see no entries in zones which pretty much amswered my question. The only thing i am not certain is whether zone rejected the update while hosts were sending addresses to or not sending updates to networks / dns server outside its local network. I think for that i can setup another simple experiment by setting up wireshark listen on interface. Thx.,
Forum Lobby / DNS & BIND insulted router :)
December 28, 2018, 09:39:56 PM
i was studying DNS & BIND by Cricket Lui and Paul Albitz. When setting up the DNS experiment they setup one router between them and named it wormhole.
They described the apt naming is that the both features accepting packet on end and sending them at the other end and known to be unstable, and only difference between actual wormhole and router is the wormhole transfer is instant and router is quite a bit slower.
Forum Lobby / Re: Microsoft acquires GitHub
June 14, 2018, 01:29:17 PM
I am almost certain that the quality is going to drop considerably to the point it is better to move somewhere.
intent based networking = apple, mercedes (high permance, if it breaks you have to get another one)
traditional networking = android, ford bronco (high maintenance, always breaks down, if it breaks change parts)
mind sharing? the router appears to be something called Sagemcom  5260, thanks
otherwise i have to create a two different version of it.
I was able to access just fine by going around public IP to access internal NAT resources at home internet:
i.e. ssh port 22 fwd to at home NAT with cable router public interface 71.202.A.B.

With that I can ssh into from work by ssh-ing into 71.202.A.B. So far so good and simple.
Also, it was nice to know from inside my home NAT, from let's say computer with, I can ssh into by ssh-ing into either directly or through 71.202.A.B. That was convenient.

I just rented a small warehouse for small biz and setup another company internet.
Port fwd-ing similar to above setup quickly only to find that I can not access my internal NAT resources same way as above through public IP:
In ahother work, I can access from either 71.202.A.B. from outside the NAT or from inside NAT directly ssh-into not through 71.202.A.B. This caused a whole lot of disruption at home devices.

Many of my home devices were accessing through public IP 71.202.A.B so I dont have to think about whether I am inside or outside the NAT, it will just ssh-into through 71.202.A.B.

Now my new network is not allowing that. Is there anything I needed to look up. THe cable router is not a Cisco router with GUI interface. Thanks!

Quote from: deanwebb on March 08, 2018, 09:16:43 AM
Quote from: ggnfs000 on March 08, 2018, 12:26:00 AM
I 'll take it as not possible :D  :o

It's possible, just not something I ever enjoy seeing on the corporate network. Makes me all :twitch: when I see it. Again, it's my job that makes me this way...

Not corp. environment, it is for home. Well my own small biz, to be precise.
Quote from: SimonV on March 08, 2018, 12:50:58 AM
Get a router with LTE backup interface

OOOOw, never knew such think exist. THis is completely separate than mobile device itself and hotspot right? Then I presume need to sign up for service such that I can access the LTE network?
I 'll take it as not possible :D  :o
Wireless / port forwarding through mobile hotspot?
March 07, 2018, 03:48:16 PM
This is probably outraguous question but yes I was wondering if port forwarding through mobile hotspot is possible. I might be running into situation where I might leave my cell in an extended period of time leaving the hotspot on creating wireless network. Anytime home router gets stuck, wifi devices maintain connectivity through mobile hot spot. With home router, port forwarding can be easily done, but I kept wondering if it is possible or any trick?