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Messages - Atrum

I've heard a lot of talk from various companies considering actual implementations.
They seem to be getting stuck at the "How does this save us money right now?" question.
Forum Lobby / Re: First Networking Job!
January 15, 2015, 11:03:58 AM
Congratz! The important part is to always continue learning and improving. Far too many people in networking get comfortable and stop improving themselves. GL on the future career
Forum Lobby / Re: WDT - Who's drinking thread?
January 13, 2015, 05:48:03 PM
Quote from: hizzo3 on January 13, 2015, 03:58:45 PM
Beer isn't either, in some places in Europe...

I'm in the US and we have Beer Friday @ 3pm every week, on friday obviously.
Management Tools / Re: Naming conventions
January 13, 2015, 10:40:53 AM
In my lab I use the wizards from LotR and a letter/number
ex) alatar_f1 , gandalf_c3

Production stuff I'm one that describes the product/function
ex) 4200_flr2_lb

I'm not a fan of hyphens in names, underscores avoid more issues/bugs for the products I work with.
Current company pays for vouchers upfront, has bonus each quarter for hitting professional development goals, has annual training $$$ for each employee
Forum Lobby / Re: WDT - Who's drinking thread?
January 12, 2015, 11:44:26 AM
Quote from: mynd on January 12, 2015, 09:31:47 AM
Quote from: Network2501 on January 09, 2015, 06:04:25 AM
Because naturally networkers are booze hounds.
damn ... an outcast once again :'(

I'm with you. I bought a bottle of makers mark 8 months ago, have yet to open it.
Forum Lobby / Re: Rep 'em!
January 07, 2015, 12:41:24 PM
Mayhaps a rep bar instead of counter?
Quote from: wintermute000 on January 07, 2015, 05:55:42 AM
hmmm i have very limited LB experience but in a 'typical' 2 arm deployment doesn't a LB (typically) source NAT the incoming client IP? so the web server should see only the hide IP?

or do you mean that the web app/site uses IP addresses @ layer 7?

Typical deployment would use SNAT of some type, changing the source IP.

A surprising amount of applications require the actual client IP address to work properly so you either need to implement X-Forwarded-For or adjust your routing so that SNAT isn't needed.
Quote from: LynK on January 06, 2015, 10:20:35 AM
I ask, do the web servers respond in anyway to the clients directly (or grab resources directly), answer is no. 2 months later here we are inserting in x-forward-for so web servers can handle client public

I deal with exactly that scenario at least 2-3x per week.
Security / Re: Hey, Ristau, what's vulnerable today?
January 06, 2015, 12:26:39 PM
Wirelurker is something to be aware of for any of you iOS/Mac people. Not a CVE or anything, but thought it fit in here.
Forum Lobby / Re: Clearing your mind from work
January 05, 2015, 01:26:13 PM
It's changed over time. I go whenever I can fit it into my schedule.

For a year or so I had an early shift and was off at 3:00PM. This was nice. I went straight to the gym after work and could pick the kids up from daycare/get home before dinner
I've done 5:00AM workouts for a few 5-6 month gaps before going back to evenings. I am not a morning person, so this only worked when I had a workout buddy meeting me there at 5AM and I didn't want to ditch him just to sleep a few minutes

These days I go right after we put the girls to sleep. Usually 7-8PM. It gives the wife a little time to do 'her thing' and watch any shows we don't both like, do some reading, etc.
Very rarely I'll have to skip a day, but then I just make the day up on Saturday or Sunday during my kids nap time or whenever it is convenient.
Quote from: Seittit on January 05, 2015, 10:50:03 AM
Quote from: Atrum on January 05, 2015, 10:24:40 AM

*unrelated sidenote @Atrum: FFIX will be remembered as when Squaresoft began their decent into releasing crap games*

Ha! I played VII VIII and IX a whole lot. IX was the last for me that really felt like FF. X was OK. I bought X-2, loaded it up and was greeted by a singing pop band Yuna... <sigh>
Forum Lobby / Re: Clearing your mind from work
January 05, 2015, 10:27:06 AM
My favorite is going to the gym. Generally if I go straight home my children are at their peak energy levels around that time and take full concentration to survive without incurring damage. Work thoughts = gone.
My favorite is when a client says "Is there ANY chance that this will bring the network down" when we're troubleshooting an issue that had their device randomly crashing.
Forum Lobby / Re: New Member Introductions Thread
January 04, 2015, 11:57:25 PM
Hey everyone, I was known as G1lgam3sh a long, long time ago on a forum far, far away.

I've been some iteration of the title 'Network Engineer' at an ISP and a Hospital.

These days I work at F5 Networks dealing primarily with load balancers, dns services, and a bit of security. Most of my day is spent deciding to never do business with Fortune 50 company X or Y again after seeing their network design and accompanying support staff. I also spending a copious amount of time capturing packets and analyzing or reviewing the captures with clients  :matrix:

Non-work things I have a (hot) wife, 2 little girls (3rd child on the way), play video games, watch anime, play guitar and piano, ski (snow or water), attend a weekly chess club, powerlift, read just about any book, and listen to as much music as I can.

Needless to say sleep is rather minimal.