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My current configuration (6 2811's, a 2620 and a cyclades term server) pulls about 5 amps (250 Watts), as measured by a Kill A Watt power meter. That 5 amp draw also includes an EZ Outlet (for remote power management), Netgear 8 port switch and an old Dell (Plex).
5 amp draw on a 20 amp circuit, with a spike during post/boot.

Think I'm paying 15 cents /killowatt hour. Math was never my strong suit, but I think this rig costs 38 cents an hour to run (250 Watts/hr X .15 Kw/hr).
I've been building out my home lab for a year and a half and documenting my progress here:

My original build and initial pains are here:

Have since upgraded cards, ios, as well as spent countless hours troubleshooting what wound up being mostly layer 1 issues (ugh).
I'm happy to share my home lab experiences on this forum, as I've spent WAY too much time trying to get it all working, partly because I could not find a comprehensive guide online.

Just got a handful of 2811's from work that were going in the trash, so they are great upgrades from my original 2620xms.
Now have the capability to run IPsec tunneling across my home lab network, which makes me more excited than I'd care to admit.

I'll throw some pending updates on here, as well as my blog soon.
If anyone has any specific questions about a home networking lab, just ask. I'm up to 13 routers and an access server on a skeletek rack that could support 3 guerrillas:) Also have remote power management, so I only run the gear when I need to lab. Have everything going through a power meter and have calculated I'm spending about 38 cents an hour running my current rig (6 2811s, a 2620 and a term server).

Alright, gotta get back to failing miserably at configuring BGP on this beast...

Forum Lobby / Re: New Member Introductions Thread
April 30, 2016, 01:22:19 PM
Hey nerds,
5 years as a cable tech, 2 years in their NOC, left cable giant in August for a net eng job in financial sector.  Passed CCNP switch, taking route soon.
Love what I do and learning a ton.
Currently obsessed with trying to get eBGP working on my home lab across 3 routers. Routes are in route tables, but can't ping them. Good times.

Looking forward to reading through the forums, learning some and sharing what I know.
