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Messages - dlots

It's one of my 1st works, but this SSHed to devices  and  builds the database.
This one will build a network map in yed.

These are built for Cisco devices just an FYI
I'll watch it later, but yes, collage degree requirements suck, and can limit you greatly.  One of the jobs I left it was because they couldn't promote me cause I didn't have a degree.  I was the most skilled network guy they had, when there was an issue that no one else could figure out they called me in... But they couldn't/wouldn't make me a network engineer cause I didn't have a degree, so I didn't get paid much... so I left.  There were other reasons I left, but making a decent wage would have made it much harder.
I made another video: Getting started with network automation right now, with no resources.

One of my goals is to always give you code to steal for your projects. This is no exception. I demo a 1 day programing project I did, and give the code.

Building a ChatOps bot sounds terribly scary, I really wish I had known when I was getting started that it's not scary at all.

How do you get started on network automation when you are just starting, and don't have any resources beyond an ancient windows PC you managed to beg/borrow/steal from desktop management. Think you don't know python well enough? Well I think you do: the worst project is one that never gets started.

Forum Lobby / BATFISH!!!!
March 22, 2021, 12:04:20 PM
Intro to batfish
Forum Lobby / Re: Tesla battery instead of UPS ?
March 22, 2021, 12:03:19 PM
Don't use Tesla, my understanding is they stop working if they loose communication to the outside world.
I forgot about that: it's a very good point.
Forum Lobby / Re: Cool New Stuff That Looks Cool
June 15, 2020, 08:35:50 AM
Doing lots with Python these days, not really doing anything with any product that is really "new".
Forum Lobby / is dead
May 19, 2020, 08:10:09 PM seems to be dead.
That's sad.
Up till recently they were mainly a development teaching thing.  I am really enjoying this free trial.
Lots of stuff for the ccna devnet stuff.
here is a study plan if anyone else is intersted.
Security / Re: Anonymous mail to police
April 06, 2020, 05:09:17 PM
So it's not impossible to find you, but VPN to Country A, sign up for an email who's company/servers are in country B (A and B aren't friendly to US)
hopefully CCNP dev
yeah, right now I don't think I could find a job that pays within $40K of what I make currently in 6 weeks as my skills aren't in huge demand (yet). 
My goal would probably be to start a business of being an HVAC guy.  Probably take a class (generally between 6 months and 2 years), then get on at a company and learn how it's actually done.  (hopefully this would take less than 5 years) After that's done I would probably try and start the business and grow it.