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Messages - Abdu_alwany

Security / Can anyone an answer those questions? please
February 02, 2017, 01:17:41 PM
1.   What protocols are responsible for email, video-conferencing and chatting? Explain them in detail. Elaborate your study with the help of practical examples and scenarios.                                                                   

2.   Describe how to provide secure point-to-point communications across the Internet. Discuss with the help of the Windows 2008 Server operating system. Support your study by neat diagrams and flowcharts.                       

3.   In the communications and networking industry there are numerous different protocols. Find different 10 networking protocols of your choice and briefly explain their format, applications and importance.                           

4.   Conduct a research on Difference Between a Signaling Protocol and a Transport Protocol, elaborate in details what protocol does Whatapp use.