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Messages - ZiPPy

Security / Re: Cisco Patch Roundup for 2 November 2017
November 15, 2017, 05:14:49 AM
Thanks for the info.  Patched my WLC and ISE.
Quote from: ristau5741 on September 27, 2017, 05:55:33 AM
The worst thing about AWS, specifically in my previous employer's case at MegaGovernment Corp, was the inability to deliver east-west traffic visibility to security and to the SOC. Seniors ended up having to architect and build an overlay network on top of AWS, which is not a recommended practice.
Interesting point here.  I wonder how so many people are working around, or with this aspect.  Since I hear about going to the cloud every single day.  I feel like I'm the only one that isn't in the cloud, or knows much about it.  That AWS page is intimidating with all the features, but I have to jump in some time.
Good stuff dlots.  I've actually been intrigued as of late by AWS, along with Azure and GCP.  I've been wanting to try one of them, free version to start and some introduce to them to my lab. I've been fighting Cloud for awhile, but maybe it's time to embrace it as that seems to be the future.

Everything Else in the Data Center / Re: Deloitte Breach
September 26, 2017, 12:46:48 AM
We use them for auditing our financials, and we are a high profile account.  This should be interesting.
Security / Re: ISE 2.3
September 22, 2017, 12:02:41 PM
My bad.  I didn't mean to say logs, I meant to say the database.  Specifically the CPMNS database, which TAC can't seem to tell me what the stands for and I didn't find anything online.  Allegedly this is a bug, so my question is why did it all of a sudden start now?  Is it because it did exceed the 3GB mark and it wasn't truncating the logs.  If it even works that way.
Security / ISE 2.3
September 21, 2017, 06:36:03 PM
Anybody running ISE 2.3 in production?  We are currently running ISE 2.1 patch 2.  We've hit a couple bugs, that require patch 5.  I was thinking to just jump to version 2.3 as some people said they had issues with 2.2.  Typically the even number version are more stable, but with ISE it loos like the odd numbers are more stable. 

Basically, our logs have exceeded 3GBs on our policy nodes(a little over 4GBs) and all our policy nodes crashed.  TAC is saying it's a bug.

I know this thread is a bit old, but I was just curious how your ISE implementation is going/went?  I had ISE dropped on my table a few months ago, and just finished up a GK training on ISE 2.1.  I'm still digging in her though, as ISE is a beast! One hell of a beast!!

Management Tools / Re: Exp with MRV console server?
January 08, 2016, 03:25:50 PM
I'll have to take a peak at the avocent or cyclades.

I actually went through various baud rates, but still was getting the same issue.  I tried to set up the session with as many variables as possible, and still no go.
Management Tools / Exp with MRV console server?
January 06, 2016, 04:38:09 PM
Does anybody have any experience working with MRV terminal servers?  My 2511-rj for my home lab is starting to crap out on me, so instead of picking up another 2511 I figured I would go with something else.  I really wanted an OpenView console server, but they are pretty pricey.

I can't even access the GUI of the damn thin, as it needs JRE 1.4 and I'm just having all kinds of issues trying to get that installed and working.  So I'm hitting everything from the command prompt.  I must be missing a configuration or messing it up, because I can connect to my devices but it only shows about 15 or 20 lines of the config and keeps returning a ^@ after that.  I didn't know this MRV was going to be so hard to configure, but for $140 bucks what can I expect.  When it's really cheap, it's old crap.

Model - MRV LX-4032S-001AC

Routing and Switching / Re: L2 service need firewall?
October 04, 2015, 01:26:36 PM
We are in the same boat and looking to do something similar.  I'm looking to get Layer 2 connectivity between our data center and SWITCH in Las Vegas.  We are only looking at a 1Gbps link, because the business owners won't dish out for a 10Gbps links.  I will slowly persuade them as I show them the need for it.

We are a Hyper-V shop, so we were looking at Live Migration between sites.  But right now looks like we are going to just use RecoverPoint from EMC.  We'll have an XtemIO array at primary site, and a VNX array at SWITCH.  I'm still up in the air on the method of connectivity between data centers, but this thread has definitely shed light on the issues at hand.

I had a long meeting this morning with a Systems Engineer over at EMC, who got into the nitty gritty of this design.  The answer is yes, we can continue working from the VNX array after a failure.  Once the XIO array is back online, the VNX array will replicate back over and you could switch production back to the XIO.  This is all using EMC RecoverPoint. 

The arrays should be on-site in about a week, so I'll definitely be testing this pretty thoroughly.
Yea, I'm still thinking about this one.  I'm not super worried, because let's be honest here what's the chances of our shit completely dying and everybody has to login to SWITCH.  Watch I just said that, and they will be down by Friday.  But seriously, even if they never used it I want to make sure the design is correct.  Simple because I designed it and will build it, so it has my name on it.  I'm starting to think out in left field now, maybe it's the beer I'm drinking right now.  But what if I had different VSANs, one purely for off-site DR where it would meet HIPAA, PHI ect type requirements and then had another VSAN for 'continued workload' and I would have some kind of dump from one VSAN to another, or in that aspect ...somehow.  I'm just spit balling right now.

I actually already deployed the DR site at SWITCH about 10 months ago.  I just have a few NAS devices and servers, over a couple 100Mbps links connected into the SWITCH mesh network.  This design is will make it how I always envisioned it, but I needed to at least get my foot in the door at SWITCH.  I was actually out there about 3 weeks ago picking up a server to build out one of the clusters and just do some maintenance.  I'll be out there again very soon, so I'll take you up on that beer.

Routing and Switching / Re: Passed my CCIE RS
September 09, 2015, 03:10:33 AM
I'm late to the party as usual, but I'm glad I showed up!! CONGRATS MATE!!!!!!!! That's awesome!  You didn't give up, and this story is one to tell the kids mate.  They will now go to school and wear a shirt with your CCIE digits.  Some little girl named Suzy at school might think it's cute with her "My daddy is a CCNA" shirt.  But she will go home and ask her dad, "what's a CCIE, and why aren't you one daddy because I saw a CCIE #50117 shirt today!  I hate you!!! All the kids think I stink!"  And all this happened because you didn't give up, you didn't stop studying you kept going until you got your digits.

Cheers mate!!  :cheers:
I've been working on a DR/BC + SAN performance design between our data center and SWITCH Supernap.  In short, we wanted some serious storage performance in our data center so we've chosen to go with EMC XtremIO.  At the other end over at SWITCH, we'll be placing a VNX5200 array.  We'll be using EMC RecoverPoint for continuous replication.

I was reading the Storage Evolution chapter in the Data Center Virtualization Fundamentals book, and I came across a statement that caught my eye. It stated, "Commonly, these replication technologies do not permit write I/Os on the replicated data from the secondary array either".  Prior to that statement, SRDF and HDS was mentioned.  I'm thinking they were specifically referring to those technologies, but it just got me thinking this could be a limitation using RecoverPoint.  I'm still researching but I haven't found anything.  I haven't checked directly with EMC yet, because they are promising me the world right now.  I haven't signed for the gear just yet, so I think the answer will be "it all works" just fine.

The reason for this concern is, if in fact a disaster occurs and our data center is gone the end goal would be all users connect from another location and/or home and continue working out of SWITCH.  All data will be mirrored between sites up to the minute, respectively.

Any thoughts on this matter?  I really want to stick with XtremIO, so the VNX was merely an add-on bonus to close the deal.  I don't see the point in wasting resources and putting an XIO at both ends.

I'd have to strongly agree.  I recently just obtained the CCNP, and it's been a game changer for me.  Job opportunities, big time!!

Shoot even the girls on the 3rd floor are giving me looks now that I'm a CCNP   :P