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Messages - 0bitus

Security / Re: Consolidate multiple IPs as Proxy server
November 20, 2019, 05:41:39 AM
Quote from: Dieselboy on November 19, 2019, 09:44:12 PMI dont understand your objective.
That's on me. I will try explaining in more detail:
I can install a proxy server like CCproxy on my home PC and then connect through it from anywhere in the world like any regular proxy and browse the internet with the IP of the home PC.
I want to do this not for one IP but for 6-7 IPs that I can all get from my ISPs modem on the same cable just by requesting them with different MAC addresses.
But I don't want to connect 6-7 PCs and install a proxy server on each one of them and have them always on, I need a solution, if possible, to do this from one PC.
Security / Consolidate multiple IPs as Proxy server
November 19, 2019, 09:55:41 AM
My ISP allows me to get multiple public IPs from a single modem. There is only one ethernet port on the modem, but if I connect 5 devices to it via a switch, each will have it's own public ipv4 address. IPs are dynamic but stay reserved for a while to the last accessing MAC address.
I want to dedicate a pc to act as a proxy server, allowing remote connection to these IPs.
Please give me your suggestions how can I do this, as my networking knowledge is not that good and I have no idea how to approach this. I'd prefer to make this on Windows OS without coding, but any information and guidance will be of great help!