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Messages - bdrmachine

Routing and Switching / Re: DHCP Issue
December 15, 2021, 07:37:41 PM
Thanks for replying.  This is extremely intermittent but very frustrating.  This gives me some ideas were to look.

Routing and Switching / Re: DHCP Issue
December 13, 2021, 08:10:09 PM
It makes no difference if I connect the switch 1st or the WiFi router, neither one will allow internet.  I only have Asus WiFi routers but none work.  They are different models but all top expensive units / no cheapees.  Is there a way to configure the WiFi router to be the DHCP  server?
Routing and Switching / DHCP Issue
December 12, 2021, 03:09:58 PM
A few times a year I lose internet connection from Spectrum cable.  My network is configured as follows:  Cable modem (EU2251 box) connected to a Asus RT-AC1200 V2 WiFi router then to a cisco SF220-24pr smart switch.  My main computer is hardwired to the WiFi Router.  When the network goes down (Even after several Cable Modem full power downs / resets) My WiFi router claims "Your ISP's DHCP does not function properly".  If I reset my WiFi router I get internet for about 30 seconds but it goes back out as soon as the WiFi LED's start to light back up.  If I connect a computer straight to the back of the cable modem that computer continues to work.  Spectrum swears up and down the problem can not be theirs if connecting straight to the back of their box gives internet service.  Nothing I seem to do helps and the problem goes away by it self if I wait a few hours or days.  I have changed out the WiFi router but no help.  I have reset all devices in sequence but zero luck,  I did go to the store (45 miles away) and  exchange the modem, twice.  Each time service comes back and routes thru all my equipment once installed.  What could be wrong with Spectrum's DHCP or my equipment.  How do I convince Spectrum to look into this issue?