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Messages - laitounejjar

Routing and Switching / Re: Shared DMZ
February 21, 2021, 10:42:09 AM
Thanks for your reply.
Yes its a possible idea. R-cisco = Router cisco.
What about icoming connection from a.b.c.d (ips2) to servers in dmz who is shared between isp1 and isp2 (with a fail over)?
Routing and Switching / Shared DMZ
February 21, 2021, 06:37:44 AM
Hello everyone and sorry my english.
We have bought a hardware FW and we have a second WAN connection. So we decide to review our network architecture.
My idea is shown on attached image (for details : (i) this way i can redirect some client to ISP2 directly. (2) My domain is publicly declared as a.b.c.d).

What do you think about the idea ?
What about the public servers in dmz (they have initially one gateway ?
have you a better idea ?
