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Messages - mehdi

I think I have two options:

- Use OpenFlow statistics: Based on the RYU book, RYU can monitor switch information per port(TX byte, RX byte,..) and not packet information(header, payload)

- Use Wireshark: The problem is where to run Wireshark. If run on a host, how RYU can fetch the information? If run on the switch or controller, it seems it's not feasible.

I would be grateful if share any ideas you have.

Thank you.
Thank you.

How can I read and analyze pcap file in RYU?
Thank you very much for your replies.

After I capture the traffic, I want to ask the RYU controller to check the status of a flag (0 or 1) in the received packet headers from a switch.

Could you please let me know how can I do that?

Thank you

I research SDN security. I simulate an SDN network with an RYU controller. I use Scapy to generate traffic.
Now I want to read and analyse some parameters in a packet header like flags to distinguish between legitimate and illegitimate packets.

Which solution do you suggest?

Thank you.