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Homework Help / Re: How does DHCP client knows...
Last post by config t - February 06, 2024, 09:32:42 PM
Quote from: deanwebb on February 06, 2024, 09:39:19 AMThe network device that the client is attached to handles the DHCP request. The request is bound to a MAC address, so the network device makes sure that the request gets back to the device with that MAC address. In the case of multiple DHCP servers, the first to respond will be the one the client goes with.

To add to this; The network device handling the DHCP request, usually a switch, is the DHCP-Relay. It sends the layer 2 broadcast frames encapsulated as unicast UDP packets to the configured DHCP server(s). On a Cisco switch these are the "ip-helper" addresses configured on SVI.

DHCP service can also be configured locally on a device such as a router or L3 switch. We do this in cases where remote sites only have access to DHCP servers across unreliable or very low bandwidth WAN links that make UDP communication difficult.
Homework Help / Re: How does DHCP client knows...
Last post by Otanx - February 06, 2024, 02:26:57 PM
Not sure why your book says it is a broadcast. The ACK is a Unicast back to the client. However, even if it is a broadcast the DHCP packet contains the Client MAC address. See the Wireshark Wiki here:

The first capture file on that page has a basic DHCP session. You can see the Discover and Request are both broadcasts. However, the Offer and Ack are both Unicast.

Homework Help / Re: How does DHCP client knows...
Last post by networkloser - February 06, 2024, 10:55:57 AM
The next screen capture shows the Ethernet portion of the DHCP ack packet.
The Ethernet destination address is FFFFFFFFFFFF, which is the broadcast hard-
ware address, and the Ethernet source address is 005004744FFF, which is the
hardware address of the DHCP server

The DHCP portion of the DHCP ack packet contains information about the IP
address and the lease parameters. The following screen capture shows the DHCP
portion with all the DHCP options. After the DHCP client receives this acknowledg-
ment, then the client has an IP address. Now that the client has a valid lease on an
IP address, the client finishes building its TCP/IP stack.

Taken from TCP/IP foundations by andrew G blank
Homework Help / Re: How does DHCP client knows...
Last post by deanwebb - February 06, 2024, 09:39:19 AM
The network device that the client is attached to handles the DHCP request. The request is bound to a MAC address, so the network device makes sure that the request gets back to the device with that MAC address. In the case of multiple DHCP servers, the first to respond will be the one the client goes with.
Homework Help / How does DHCP client knows tha...
Last post by networkloser - February 06, 2024, 02:15:09 AM
Let's discuss the "DORA" of DHCP.

1) Discover
Client broadcasts that "I want IP address".
Destination IP address=All 0s.
Destination hardware address=All Fs.
Source hardware address=DHCP Client address

2) Offer

Server/s makes an offer.
Destination hardware address=client's mac address
So that client knows the offer is for it.
It also should contain server's IP address/es.

3) Request

Client broadcasts DHCP request packet.

This includes,
DHCP Server's IP address so that other can cool down their IP address so client gets from who it wants.
Client's hardware address so that client hardware->IP address mapping can be done.
Destination address is All Fs, so that all hosts receive the notification.

4) Acknowledgement.

I am following TCP/IP foundations by Black and I'm confused how will the client know that the acknowledgement came for it?
Home and Small Office Networking / Re: General network architectu...
Last post by deanwebb - February 02, 2024, 09:32:43 AM
That's a broad question. Generally, architecture is a description of the solutions in place and how they interact. There's a level of detail to the documentation for a solution:

Architectural Handbook (AH): a high-level view of the solutions, providing guiding principles for the deployment. Should initial design choices run into difficulties, use the AH to provide guidance in how best to resolve those difficulties.

High Level Design (HLD): Details hardware and software to be acquired along with licensing, where it will go, how it will be rolled out, and system settings to be used.

Low Level Design (LLD): Specifies on an interface level how things are to be connected. Often a set of network diagrams with explanatory notes.

In the Americas, the documents tend to be brief. In Europe, they tend to be larger and more wide-ranging.

That being said, the architecture for you scenario would specify the order the devices mentioned would be arranged. We'd want to know more about whether those are running on separate platforms or on the same one. Also, is this for accessing an external-facing application that is exposed to the Internet, or is this for access to an internally-hosted application that is not otherwise exposed to the Internet? Those answers will determine how the pieces fall together.

To boost architecture skills, ask more questions and get more answers. Architecture involves learning about many different technologies so that you have a range of tools to draw upon when asked to solve for a particular business case.
Home and Small Office Networking / General network architecture f...
Last post by networkloser - February 01, 2024, 02:21:36 AM
What is the general architecture of a network that comprises of Web Application Firewall(F5), Firewall, VPN, reverse proxy(nginx)?

I am new to this field and I am wondering what the architecture in general looks like? And where can I learn more about this? Any courses or certification exams that I can do to boost my network architecture skills?
Homework Help / Re: IT infrastructuur plaat DM...
Last post by deanwebb - January 28, 2024, 11:19:04 AM
It may be that this is a development environment, regardless of the end purpose of the application or product, so I went with that idea in my response.
Homework Help / Re: IT infrastructuur plaat DM...
Last post by icecream-guy - January 27, 2024, 05:49:26 PM
circuit boards? AND and OR gates, transistors, resistors are a bit out of league here if you are trying to design a circuit board.

from google translator English to Dutch

Printplaten? AND OR poorten, transistors, weerstanden zijn hier een beetje buiten de competitie als je een printplaat probeert te ontwerpen.
Homework Help / Re: IT infrastructuur plaat DM...
Last post by deanwebb - January 26, 2024, 08:50:54 AM
What is meant by DMS? There are many acronyms with that name.

Next, what is the technical issue here? I assume that this is a development environment for a person working from home.

If there is only one application server, there is no need for a load balancer. Also, I would not use a direct connection through the firewall. Instead, the home user should connect through a Cloud access security broker (CASB) that provides a better security layer than a direct connection or a VPN connection.

I do not see why the application server needs to use LDAP to reach the database server. If there is a matter of identity, then an LDAP call to a directory server for authentication would be made by any server receiving a login.

Do you need to specify the TCP services used between the database server and the other servers?

Wat wordt bedoeld met DMS? Er zijn veel afkortingen met die naam.

Vervolgens, wat is hier het technische probleem? Ik neem aan dat dit een ontwikkelomgeving is voor iemand die vanuit huis werkt.

Als er slechts één applicatieserver is, is er geen load balancer nodig. Ook zou ik geen directe verbinding via de firewall gebruiken. In plaats daarvan moet de thuisgebruiker verbinding maken via een Cloud Access Security Broker (CASB) die een betere beveiligingslaag biedt dan een directe verbinding of een VPN-verbinding.

Ik begrijp niet waarom de applicatieserver LDAP moet gebruiken om de databaseserver te bereiken. Als er sprake is van identiteit, wordt er voor authenticatie een LDAP-oproep naar een directoryserver gedaan door elke server die een login ontvangt.

Moet u de TCP-services opgeven die worden gebruikt tussen de databaseserver en de andere servers?