Upgrading Switch Supervisors and Licensing Question

Started by mmcgurty, August 18, 2016, 12:16:46 PM

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We have a spare WS-C4506-E chassis that we have used with (2) new WS-X45-SUP8-E hardware to build our production configurations on.  We use EIGRP, so we licensed the spare chassis with each SUP8-E so we could build the config and have it ready for the cutover day.

On Saturday, August 20th at 6:30PM EST we are moving the WS-X45-SUP8-E's into the production switches which are both WS-C4506-E.  I am fairly certain we won't have EIGRP since we are moving the SUP8-E's to different chassis and we will need to relicense to get it to work.  We have 1 hour of maintenance per switch to do this on.

We did this earlier in the year in almost the exact same scenario and ended up getting Cisco TAC involved and Cisco Licensing on a P1.  Cisco Licensing ended up manually creating some licensing files and sending them to me which I had to copy over to the switch via an SD card.

Has anyone else encountered this scenario before and is there an easier way to do what I am trying to do?


I did not know this - SUP licensing is tied to the chassis????

In the old days when I as doing a lot of cat chassis hw work, you could just pop a sup in and out of a different chassis as long as it was compatible???


Quote from: wintermute000 on August 18, 2016, 05:51:32 PM
I did not know this - SUP licensing is tied to the chassis????

In the old days when I as doing a lot of cat chassis hw work, you could just pop a sup in and out of a different chassis as long as it was compatible???

thats' pre/post 15.0 licensing.    prior to 15 everything was easy.
post 15, licensing got tightened up.

Cisco is a software company now, you know.....

so for example, many people run 3570-S switch with Enterprise software12.x, which can  be done, once they upgrade to 15, loading the universal image will step back the software to it's licensed level, so, one (without the .lic file) might loose that capability (BGP for example) that they had configured on the switch once they upgraded to 15.x (remote site just went down). 


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