ASK THE HEADHUNTER Glassdoor Salary Data: Worse than useless

Started by deanwebb, June 05, 2018, 06:02:05 AM

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Glassdoor Salary Data: Worse than useless

In the June 5, 2018 Ask The Headhunter Newsletter we shake up salary negotiations and take down the Glassdoor myth. Question I know you don’t like Glassdoor’s salary survey data and employer reviews, but what are we supposed to use to base our salary negotiations on? I’m talking about job seekers. Nick’s Reply If you’ve ever used Glassdoor salary data to help you negotiate a job offer, did you wonder whether you might have under-sold yourself? According to a report in the June 2018 Wired magazine by Rachel Nuwer, you might have left an additional 69% on the table. (Sorry, this edition of Wired

The post Glassdoor Salary Data: Worse than useless appeared first on Ask The Headhunter®.

Source: Glassdoor Salary Data: Worse than useless
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This was a great article. Glassdoor isn't just useless. It damages your career if you try to use it as an information source.

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