Which to select? IP pim sparse or dense mode?

Started by Gunter, December 18, 2019, 04:32:27 PM

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Hi folks, I have an IF/RF station that is receiving RF signals from satellites, then converted to IP to be encoded, decoded, multiplexed, and modulated again to RF so that it's sent to wireless and wired network to reach the receivers to watch satellite TV.  The station has a network of L3 cisco switches configured with ip pim dense mode under each vlan that is participating in a multicast stream.in order to connect the streams' multicast group addresses to the devices that is re-generating the streams. The question here is that I believe that we should move from PIM dense mode to sparse mode but I need a good reason to convince the management to do that since they are saying we don't need because all the devices are requesting all the streams always in any case so there's no need to convert it to sparse mode. Any ideas about if in such cases where the devices requesting the streams are densly populated on all the vlans it's still recommended to switch to sparse mode?

Note that we have only L3 switches and no routers at all.And ip multicase routing is enabled on all the switches.


If all devices are requesting all streams then in theory yes there's no benefit in sparse mode unless there's network segments without devices.
You'd get max value from IGMP snooping so you're not L2 flooding unnecessarily as well.


is pim sparse-dense mode not an option?   There are benefits/drawbacks to both individually.  A hybrid option may be of benefit, depending on your needs.

My Moral Fibers have been cut.