New 5Ghz SSID not working

Started by anon, February 18, 2021, 04:09:43 PM

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When you created the new SSID, I think it automatically gives it vlan 1 in the ssid to vlan mappings.
Also in the SSID you configured (in the WLANs section) you need to have the SSID enabled for "FlexConnect Local Switching" which is in the Advanced tab.

I found this link which goes through setting up a new SSID and enabling it for flexconnect. Can you check this to see if it aligns with your config?

Point 11 is about what I mentioned above.

The next section mentions about setting the vlan to ssid mapping. You can do this either on the AP directly or in a flexconnect group. Can you check this and see if the new SSID on the AP is showing the correct VLAN number or just default to `1`?


For the 5GHz issue check if 5G is enabled under "Wireless > 802.11a/n/ac > network". Then at the top find "802.11a Network Status" is enabled.

Are you using any "AP group"?

Hope that helps  :)


Wow, just wow as I have all those setting correctly set.  That document was super helpful, and easily able to confirm.  So I guess this is the end of the road for me with the Cisco vWLC.  Unreal!

Something with the 5Ghz overall is an issue, as I have it enabled on the first SSID.  But not device will automatically detect the 5Ghz channel and favor to use it.


Quote from: anon on March 03, 2021, 06:22:42 PM
So I guess this is the end of the road for me with the Cisco vWLC.  Unreal!

No I wouldnt say so just yet. Pick one issue and we can try some things to narrow it down. What is your switch that you are using for this? Can you run a span port for packet capturing? What is your AP that you are using?

Number of different things which can be tried or looked at:
- SSH into the AP and view the config (like a show run config). You'll need to enable SSH from the WLC and set a username/password there also. Then you can ssh into the AP and get some limited commands. You can do a "sh run | red ftp://some-server/som-config-name.txt" and that should send the running config to a text file over ftp, providing that command is actually there. You could just do "sh run" and then copy it from the terminal into notepad.
In the config I'd be checking to see what has been applied to the WLC in terms of BVI (bridge group) number on the Gi0/0 port (LAN port) and see the matching SSID with BVI.

- if you can run a span or monitor port then you could plug your laptop into the switch and use wireshark to inspect the packets to and from the WLC switch port. I'd be checking this for packets sending and receiving with VLAN ID (or without VLAN ID if you have native VLAN set)

- for the 5G not working on original SSID issue, I'd use the android app to view that the 5G SSID was actually broadcasting. Then if so, I'd check if the encryption settings are supported by the AP