ASK THE HEADHUNTER What’s your jobs question for 2022?

Started by deanwebb, November 11, 2021, 12:12:42 PM

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What's your jobs question for 2022?

More Qs for Q&A There’s no single Q&A this week. Everyone gets to ask their jobs question — or questions! This special edition is devoted to questions you've never asked, or questions we've discussed in the past that will take on a new spin in 2022's economy and world. SPECIAL EDITION I've been publishing the free weekly Ask The Headhunter Newsletter since 2002. We're nearing 900 editions — 900 of your Qs, my As, and our dialogue about job hunting, recruiting, hiring and success at work answered in the newsletter and discussed on the website. That’s just the Q&As I've

Join us for discussion! What’s your jobs question for 2022?

More Qs for Q&A

There’s no single Q&A this week. Everyone gets to ask their jobs question — or questions! This special edition is devoted to questions you've never asked, or questions we've discussed in the past that will take on a new spin in 2022's economy and world.


I've been publishing the free weekly Ask The Headhunter Newsletter since 2002. We're nearing 900 editions — 900 of your Qs, my As, and our dialogue about job hunting, recruiting, hiring and success at work answered in the newsletter and discussed on the website. That’s just the Q&As I've published here. Counting questions I've answered on all Ask The Headhunter online discussion forums since 1995, the total is upwards of 50,000.

These forums include Prodigy (where ATH started), America Online, The Motley Fool, Electronic Engineering Times, Infoworld, Yahoo!, DICE, PBS NewsHour, Adobe Systems', JobDig, TechRepublic, PeopleScape, Seattle Times, Universal Press Syndicate, Informationweek and more. This doesn't include hundreds of live Ask The Headhunter Q&A events where I have answered questions in-person and face-to-face, or webinars and teleconferences.

What jobs question is on your mind?

jobs questionI'm starting to plan next year's editorial calendar for 2022. For almost 20 years, loads of newsletter subscribers and online readers have been sending me great questions every week. Keep 'em coming!

But I'd also like to try something different.

I'd like to devote this newsletter to new questions, challenges and issues we can expand upon in the newsletter next year. Please use the Comments section below to ask anything you'd like. (This doesn't mean you should wait until next year to respond to any questions posted on this thread!)

In 2022, I'll keep taking questions you submit to me by e-mail, but I'll also address the best ones you post in the Comments on this week's column. I need your help to get a handle on what will matter most in 2022.

Problems & Challenges in 2022

Ask The Headhunter isn't about topics I want to talk about. It's about issues in employment that concern you. So, please take a few minutes to consider the problems and challenges you expect to face next year. Let’s not wait until 2022 hits us!

Consider what's troubling you about your employment, what worries you about 2022. Ask the questions on your mind about job search, resumes, recruiters, interviewing, negotiating offers, applicant tracking systems, video interviews, ghosting, HR, leaving your old job, the job market and the employment system as a whole. And have at it! In-your-face question are welcome — in fact, they’re the best!

As always, please avoid political subjects and agendas. Let's "stick to the knitting" — job hunting, recruiting, hiring and success at work.

I can't wait to see your questions! What do you want to talk about?

: :

Join us for discussion! What’s your jobs question for 2022?

Source: What's your jobs question for 2022?
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