Reggle Love

Started by calaesha, March 01, 2016, 09:18:17 AM

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It's about damn time he gets some attention. Dude is off his rocker with great blogs.

With that said, I'd like to see this forum be used for constructive critique of blogs. Not a pissing contest of "I know more about this topic than you", but rather something like "Hey that image you created on did a great job on explaining weighted fair queuing" or "I would consider rewording that section on UCS deployment strategies, it was pretty vague on topic XYZ."


Absolutely, we're all about the constructive criticism.

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Quote from: Netwörkheäd on March 01, 2016, 10:11:16 AM
Absolutely, we're all about the constructive criticism.

Sent from my SM-N900P using Tapatalk
Right as long as you see it my way! :)


Woah, thank you!

Makes me want to start blogging again. Too long since I've done anything.


I do think having them connect here, where you KNOW you'll get readers, makes us all want to "get started again." It's a positive peer activity. When we know that other people are doing what we're doing, we want to do more of it.
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