Cacti total bandwidth calculation

Started by Dieselboy, March 10, 2016, 08:29:46 PM

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To me, the total data transferred looks a bit high. almost 50TB. It is the combined inbound and outbound but still looks high to me.

Anyone agree?

The 2nd graph is from the "last half hour" and there's 38.56TB there.


They look high to me. Did the math on the Average numbers. So 1.26 + 17.52 to get total per second. Times 60 to minutes times 60 to hours times 24 to a day, and I get 1.62T/bits total. What are you doing to generate the Total field? From a quick search |sum:auto:current:2:auto| is the proper way to do this.



Sorry for the delay in getting back to this thread but I wanted to see if I could figure it out first.

On the graph where the total value is, matching this in the graph template it says "CDEF Function" is "Total all data sources - 30 day". I went to the CDEF function and took a screenshot.
I then went to a different working cacti that I set up from scratch by installing the OS and compiling everything and that set up does this total differently so I exported the graph template and will use that instead.

The difference between the two setups is that the one with the weird total was installed from CactiEZ. I really didn't want to spend a day or two just installing cacti so took the shortcut using the EZ .ISO.

So it looks as though the total is the total for 30 days, not just the graph view which is what I was expecting.
The "total" for the exported graph template is not done via CDEF. It's done within the graph template itself and is : "Total In:  |sum:auto:current:2:auto|"