How do I see if there has been a BGP issue in Australia

Started by Dieselboy, April 22, 2016, 12:25:29 PM

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What website will tell me if there has been a BGP issue?

The internet at my home started playing up, but at the same time I Was on the phone to my mum through facebook. Pings to were intermittent and I lost VPN access to the office, and jabber could not connect either.

I used "down for everyone or just me" and it could not connect to some web accessible services at the office either.

Trace routes to the office and to didn't get there. But as I said, facebook was working, google worked sometimes, my PS4 kicked me out the game as well.

I'm wondering if there's been a bit of a problem. things are looking up now though.



My Moral Fibers have been cut.


Internet traffic report looks good.

My guess is that Telstra (the biggest ISP here) were doing maintenance and cocked something up for a bit. I guess it was probably localised to Perth.
My office also lost internet access briefly, which is on a different ISP but they peer with Telstra.

I ran a trace from my home to our office IP ranges and I can see now that it is all working, the hop which was broke is the hop which links in to the ISP in the office. The trace did not get to my office ISP.

Oddly from my home, I also had problems. So I've logged 2 support cases.


Thanks for those links, they look like what I was trying to find :)


not direct info but I subscribe to ausnog mailing list.
Any outage of any geographical significance and you'll rapidly see people posting, together with helpful conjecture from multiple AS viewpoints LOL
Just remember to have your ducks in a row if you stick your heads above the parapet - there's plenty of old school grumpy BOFH types on there who have been manually programming TCP stacks and checking RFCs for spelling errors since before you were in diapers (you know the type...)


Cheers guys :)

I still don't know if there was a bgp issue, but the outage was only 15 minutes. The reason I thought BGP issue is because I could get to some things from my Telstra home internet and not others. And my work had the same experience with a different ISP but they do peer with Telstra (who doesnt?). I just happen to have a bunch of CMD windows open pinging a few things on the internet so I can trace any issues at the point in time. My nagios is not granular enough. Also had a bunch of pings running from my laptop at home as well  :problem?:

I reckon they were doing maintenance considering it was around 1am. But this isn't the first time I've been impacted like this at home. Because it impacted my work as well I can and will be kicking up a fuss. I also can't be fobbed off my Telstra residential support.

Looking at the trace route from my home to my work at the time of the issue, the route failed at the router which connects to Vocus (my work ISP). I think that says a lot. Bear in mind I couldn't access some online things (couldn't ping which is in Sydney I think) and could access other things like Facebook.