Visio Alternatives?

Started by Ironman, February 24, 2015, 01:48:22 PM

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Hi all! Looking at/for alternatives to Visio. What do you guys think?


MSPaint, for when I'm in a grumpy mood.
Take a baseball bat and trash all the routers, shout out "IT'S A NETWORK PROBLEM NOW, SUCKERS!" and then peel out of the parking lot in your Ferrari.
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Accounting is architecture, remember that!
Air gaps are high-latency Internet connections.


If you go to Buffalo Wild Wings they have a four color crayon set they give to kids. If you ask nicely they will give you a set with only a slightly weird look. Draw it out on a napkin. For a serious answer I have not found anything that sucks less than Visio for doing diagrams.



I use a whiteboard with various colored markers.  I may give Scapple a try next time to create sudo-diagrams.


I was in a bind and used the website to whip up a diagram of a network for a vendor once. It was quick and dirty (and free), and the Cisco icons were a little better than what I can crank out with MSPaint.


Sadly, I'm with the others.  Nothing beats visio for network diagrams other than a whiteboard.


hey, I was gonna make that crayon and napkin comment.  oh well...

Lots of whiteboard and smartphones pics here,  Take pictures of the whiteboard and drop them into documents or redo them in Visio (or MSPAINT) for a more "professional" look.

google "visio alternatives" for lists of programs

My Moral Fibers have been cut.


Visio 2013 is quite good actually. I hated working with the older versions...


Omnigraffle is out there for Mac users, but be prepared to fork over a pretty penny.


Laugh if you want but I have actually found PT to be great for making quick and dirty diagrams. In fact I have found it more useful as a diagram tool than as a simulation tool lol.


I've done diagrams in GNS3 before too. Just quick and easy in my opinion.