ASK THE HEADHUNTERSmall Business Owner: I’m too busy to hire help!

Started by deanwebb, May 23, 2017, 06:03:10 PM

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Small Business Owner: I'm too busy to hire help!

In the May 2, 2017 Ask The Headhunter Newsletter, a doctor’s small business suffers from hiring the wrong people. Question I’m a doctor running a solo medical practice. How do small businesses like mine get good managers and staff? I have two medical assistants I’m dependent on to keep work flow steady. I caught the new assistant doing something very inappropriate! I was livid, but there were patients waiting and I needed them to get back to work. So, the next morning I had a talk with them. My instincts told me to fire the old assistant on the spot,

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Source: Small Business Owner: I'm too busy to hire help!
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