VPWS vs X-connect

Started by sergeyrar, May 13, 2018, 03:04:12 AM

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What is the difference between these two L2vpn technologies?

The bits of info I was able to find but still don't answer my question-


Virtual private wire service (VPWS)—Has a characteristic of a fixed relationship between an attachment-virtual circuit and an emulated virtual circuit. VPWS-based services are point-to-point (for example, Frame-Relay/ATM/Ethernet services over IP/MPLS).

source: http://www.ciscopress.com/articles/article.asp?p=680839&seqNum=10


Xconnects are used to connect 2 distant sites that can use any of these technologies : Frame-Relay, PPP, Ethernet, ATM, that's why xconnects are also called Any Transport over MPLS (AToM).

source: https://learningnetwork.cisco.com/thread/68730


I think its more terminology than anything else. the actual traffic (EoMPLS) is the pseudowire, whilst the end to end LSPs comprise the VPWs service. Same same



VPWS requires MPLS to be running over it.  I honestly don't know alot about it though.

X-connect is IP only, so very little extra work you have to do.


actually xconnect is EoMPLS or L2TPv3