New releases of BIND are available: 9.11.9, 9.14.4, and 9.15.2

Started by icecream-guy, July 18, 2019, 06:21:12 AM

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New maintenance releases of BIND are available which contain bug fixes and feature improvements.  The new releases can be downloaded from our downloads page:

Release notes can be found via these links:

Stable release branches:

Experimental development branch

Users who are checking out the 9.15 experimental development branch will notice that in this instance only the source is available for download, the Windows binary packages that usually accompany a new release version are missing.  This is because a change late in the development cycle was causing problems with the system tests for that version (9.15.2) only, and only on the Windows platform.
Rather than postpone the release of all versions or release binaries which had not passed all of our quality assurance procedures, we chose to continue and release the stable release branches as scheduled and make the source for the experimental development branch available without Windows binary installers.

Michael McNally
ISC Support

My Moral Fibers have been cut.