migration from 3850 to new 9300 switch

Started by cuddyshark, January 05, 2022, 04:06:52 PM

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New to the forum, and I was hoping to see if I could find some information on migrating my configs from cisco 3850 switches over to the new Cisco 9300 switches. Our new 9300 are in the process of being racked and I want to get ahead of things if possible in setting up the old configs (if possible) onto the new 9300 switches. 

Dont know what to expect nor do I know if there are any tools that can aid in the migration.  Any suggestions or tips would be greatly appreciated.

best regards,

Cuddyshark :)


Welcome to the forums.

As far as I know they are pretty similar. I think they are both IOS-XE. If you are doing routing or any advanced features make sure required licenses are installed. Not sure how IOS-XE treats configs for unlicensed features. Sometimes the config will copy in correctly, but not work. Other systems will reject commands for unlicensed features. Also keep an eye on interface names/numbers. If the interface was Gi1/0/1 on the 3850 that may not be the same name on the new 9300. Finally make sure you create the vlans on the new switch. I can't count the times I have broken something because I forgot to do a 'vlan 20'. Usually it will auto create when you setup an access port, but if it is just transport over trunks it can cause issues.



Are you able to get a 9300 for staging to test out the configs?
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config t

Agree with Dean on the test switch. Otanx made some excellent points as well.  Once I had a handle of the licensing, I would take my time and load the 3850 config into a test switch to see which syntax takes and which doesn't.. then address issues as they present themselves. There are going to be small differences but since they are both IOS-XE this shouldn't be huge.

I did a quick scan online and I didn't see any resources directly related to porting over a 3850 config to 9300.

Please don't mistake my experience for intelligence.


I just done this exact job just before Christmas. I mostly just took a config backup of the 3850 and pasted it into the 9300 in small sections, leaving out the interface configs until last.

I remember that "no ip domain-lookup" is now "no ip domain lookup" for some reason.

Mine was a bit more involved as I needed to use the DNAC template in offline switch config. So I merged the 3850 with the DNAC template giving the template priority. I done this manually with notepad++ and console connection.

If commands have been deprecated, when you paste them in it will tell you about it. You can make note of that and fix it later or do it there and then.