Point to multpoint L2 link

Started by dlots, January 20, 2015, 01:49:11 PM

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I have a pile of 2900s I need a L2 link inside between them, so I have a server inside a VRF, all the 2900s have to have a L2 connection to the server, and you have to be able to reach this device no matter what router is down.

They don't support VPLS, the xconnect stuff I can find doesn't do point to multipoint.

Any ideas?


Never mind
The powers that be decided that we didn't have to design around this strange issue

It was a very low bandwidth connection
The possable solution I had come up with was maybe putting a 1000v  in there and running VPLS on those.


can you run VPLS on N1000V or are you talking about VXLAN? I know the latter is possible but not the former.

L2 MTU issues can be worse than L3 MTU

If you're going to run virtual though might as well run OTV to CSR1000Vs.

Another hilarious trick, mpls over mgre. (not touching that with a 20- foot pole if it was my environment that I had to fix!!!)