Another Windows 10 laptop question - audio jack

Started by Dieselboy, April 20, 2016, 07:24:44 AM

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A friend of mine has a Windows 10 laptop with a single 3.5mm jack which is kind of dual-personality. When you plug something in, it used to ask you what you have plugged in eg Headphones or Microphone.

To try and fix why when we plugged in an audio mixer it didn't ask what was plugged in I plugged in a mic, clicked the microphone checkbox and then clicked the box which said "do not ask again".

I cannot for the life of me find where this option is to get it to prompt and now he can't use headphones on the laptop because it's stuck on mic :/

Any ideas? I'm at a loss. And I feel pretty bad as he can't listen to stuff  :glitch:  :matrix:


try going to system settings, sound, there should be some options there. If not, it's probably a registry setting.
if not try uninstalling the audio drivers and reinstalling the audio drivers
What is the audio manager, google points to a lot of fixes via Realtek HD Audio Manager
the correct term for the function is "jack monitor"

My Moral Fibers have been cut.


Thanks mate! I did try uninstalling the audio drivers but no change.
I'll take a look, cheers for your help :)

I was going to try re-profiling his user account but I tried this on my work Windows 7 machine a year or two ago and it messed it up and took me ages to fix. Seems you don't reprofile user accounts that way any more like we used to on Windows XP back in the day.

I hate computers. :)


Not sure what model of laptop you have, but I know I've found those "what was plugged in" features in the software that's usually installed by default (not to be confused with the drivers.)


I forgot to update the thread.

All of a sudden it started working again he said. We think that may be we needed to reboot the machine because I believe I didn't reboot after uninstalling the audio driver.

Thanks for all your help :)