SDN - Where to start...

Started by EOS, September 22, 2016, 06:05:45 AM

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nice, starred and will flick past my colleagues involved in our current NSX project.

Have you used requests? how do you compare it vs httplib? Requests is the only python RESTAPI library I've used so far (and I do like it!).


I have never used requests.  httplib is just plain simple when working with XML based API's I would suggest using that unless you have a vendor made python library that makes things really easy.

Other than that like with Arista you can import the jsonrpclib library and start messing around.  That will talk to each one of the switches through the api return json and you can itterate around it.  If you need any help with the nsx stuff or atista lmk.


Just had our local SE do the quarterly Arista update and lo behold as you mentioned, telemetry....

the full BGP tables look tasty as well, esp after full MPLS-PE functionality is rolled out - I'm not totally convinced by the 'just use VXLAN+EVPN' line of thought just yet. TE being one concern.

Exciting times for Arista for sure.


Quote from: wintermute000 on October 12, 2016, 05:17:33 PM
Just had our local SE do the quarterly Arista update and lo behold as you mentioned, telemetry....

the full BGP tables look tasty as well, esp after full MPLS-PE functionality is rolled out - I'm not totally convinced by the 'just use VXLAN+EVPN' line of thought just yet. TE being one concern.

Exciting times for Arista for sure.

Telemetry is going to be a huge deal for us.  Just doing some eft's for some customers and trying to export it this weekend into elk stack its really awesome.

Yah ping me about all of that.  Right now as I type this no L3VPN support is here yet its in Q2 of 2017.  Full tables are available in a 1RU device which is just awesome.  I am not sure what you mean by that with VXLAN?  Im not sure if we will ever do RSVP-TE.  I can tell you right now that we do support segment routing like right now.  Same with BGP labeled unicast.


I have been reading a tons of web articles in the past, but to tell you the truth, it will only confuse you more. I have replenished my technical books this years with hundreds of $$ allocation in topics and bought latest books for AI, data mining intro, GIT, python, and yes SDN.

Out of two books I purchased for SDN after spending a time in B&N were
Software Defined Networks - A Comprehensive Approach.
978-0-12-416675-2 were stellar.

After reading halfway through, it is only clear that all of these internet articles will not even come close to get you understanding.

Not only it describes the technicals of the SDN in the deep, it gives analysis of many current implementations by many vendors and categorizes into 3 major implementations:
sdn native - pure sdn implementation with openflow protocols: many startups such as BGN.
sdn via legacy - some of the sdn are implemented and emulated in legacy hardware: Cisco ACI for example.
sdn via hypervisor - some of the sdn are implemented and emulated in virtual environment: VMWare Nikira.

I suggest you to go ahead and obtain the book. LIke I said, the tech articles on the web are mostly very basic and subjective.

Saying that, I am already in search on how to do some basic implementation and start doing some development works on openflow protocol. I am looking around any development kit with white box switch that is tailored to give developer to jump start on the development of Network app using openflow API. Anyone has done it?


Book has some solid reviews..  Just ordered the 2nd edition


looks like i got 1st edition one. I think it covered up to openflow 1.3.
You are in good hands.