Your certification goals for 2015?

Started by SimonV, January 04, 2015, 01:14:14 PM

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Quote from: wintermute000 on October 04, 2015, 08:52:40 PM
Lab booked mid november.... now to push through the final cram phase. Its a struggle, I must admit.

WOOT!! Go kill it dude!!


Sat and passed the JNCIS-SEC this afternoon, very fair exam with only one or two questions that were not in the free study guides. Hats off to Juniper for being so generous in their certification tracks, too bad my voucher expired and I had to pay full price :whistle:  :mrgreen:

CCSA is off the list as I've grown a real dislike for Check Point. My CCNP is up for renewal next year so I'm heading back to R&s and will try to cram the JNCIS-ENT in while I still have the JunOS in my fingers :)


They really make it easy don't they, with free quality material, test app and easy to spin up no restrictions firefly vm.
I'm dealing with a lot of security atm and I wish I did tbe security not sp track, oh well


Yeah, you named pretty much all the things that helped for studying, I've been doing Genius tests for the last few weeks. Very satisfied with the vSRX as well, did most of my labs in virtual but some features only worked on the hardware boxes. Hope my SRX100s can do some of the switching features from the ENT track, the switches are a bit expensive for labbing


I wonder though if the syllabus will be refreshed soon. The new SRXs will be arriving quite soon (NDA otherwise I'd post up the presos/specs.... lets just say they claim to beat Cisco by several magnitudes of packets per $). And the NGFW stuff is constantly evolving, poor SRXs need a shot in the arm for sure.



Just found out about the free BCVRE cert, will spend a few days doing Vyatta :)


when I last messed around briefly with a vyatta (community edition - not sure how different the Brocade branded one is) it was VERY JUN-OS like so you should fly through that, pls review


getting an eye exam this week, hopefully to get a new pair of reading glasses, I need 'em. that's a start...

My Moral Fibers have been cut.


Mission accomplished. #51037 :)

Time to actually study/lab stuff I want to lab (with no guilt factor! Hey I might even watch some whaddaya call it, television? LOL).


Congratulations dude, glad to hear you nailed it!! :woohoo:




My Moral Fibers have been cut.


Quote from: wintermute000 on November 17, 2015, 03:21:34 AM
Mission accomplished. #51037 :)

Time to actually study/lab stuff I want to lab (with no guilt factor! Hey I might even watch some whaddaya call it, television? LOL).

WOOT huge congrats dude!!


Quote from: wintermute000 on November 17, 2015, 03:21:34 AM
Mission accomplished. #51037 :)

Time to actually study/lab stuff I want to lab (with no guilt factor! Hey I might even watch some whaddaya call it, television? LOL).


You could even look into messing with Arista stuff now. :D
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