Wireshark Layer 2-3 pcap Analysis w/ Challenges

Started by icecream-guy, April 05, 2017, 11:27:51 AM

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My Moral Fibers have been cut.


Thanks for the link,
I was looking for and I'm after a wireshark differ / compare tool. The idea is to take pcap's at various points and then use the tool to highlight missing packets or other issues. Didnt really find anything like that. Would be a handy feature as a first step to fault finding.


This looks like some fun. I'll do it if some more sign on here to do the challenges. Even though I'm a security guy, I gots to know more about them switches.

Take a baseball bat and trash all the routers, shout out "IT'S A NETWORK PROBLEM NOW, SUCKERS!" and then peel out of the parking lot in your Ferrari.
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