ASK THE HEADHUNTERAge Discrimination: The green antidote

Started by deanwebb, May 23, 2017, 08:40:16 AM

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Age Discrimination: The green antidote

Quick Question We all know age discrimination is not legal. I’m an analytical chemist with a graduate degree and 40 years experience in analytical chemistry. Although I would love to retire and enjoy my grandchildren, I still have the desire (and mental capacity) to work. My issue is simple. I can't get past the front door. Employers just look at the experience in years and it becomes a matter of "Let's interview him so we can check off the EEO box." What's the best way for anyone over the age of 50 to meet age discrimination head-on? Nick’s Quick Advice Part

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Source: Age Discrimination: The green antidote
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