Active Directory with Apple Macs

Started by Dieselboy, February 11, 2015, 01:15:53 AM

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AD 2012

Anyone else done this? We've done it fine but a couple users can't change their password. I thought their machines may have been tombstoned but according to the AD attribute this is not the case. The Macs give an error that they can't communicate with AD: "The password for the account was not changed. The server is not available. Change your password when the server becomes available"

Is this Apple just giving me hassles because we're using Windows?


I've got it running successfully, I'll look for the articles I used and share them.


Ah thanks mate!

I too have it working but for some reason it seems a couple of machines have dropped off. We only found out because we've introduced a GPO to get users to change their password every 90 days and a few people cannot change it. I believe a remove and re-bind to the domain will fix it, but I don't know why this happened. And I'm yet to try and fix it because everyone's too busy :)



Nice work :) (I think we may have followed the Apple one tho :) )


What do you guys use to manage your macs? We have about 1200 right now and deficated people managing them.. But keeping the majority out of AD

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