SSL Renewal Question

Started by EOS, July 17, 2017, 09:11:57 AM

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We have a wildcard SSL Cert that is going to expire next month.   We use GoDaddy

If we renewed that SSL Cert today and had the new one issued, would the old one (still attached to our F5's) become invalid?


I don't think so, but see what other people think as I am not the best when it comes to certs.


Old one should still be valid until date of expiration, which is why one tries to refresh certs just before they expire, so that one gets the longest life out of a cert, but also so that there is no interruption of service.
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Thank you!

I'd hate to renew it, have it issued, then the one that's currently applied fails.  Certs are not my strong suite eith.... YET  :)


The validity date for the new one would start today but it would remain valid until the original expiry date + 1 year (or 2, 3 depending on your subscription). We renew them a couple of weeks in advance.