Ip address

Started by Sn08ky69, September 24, 2017, 04:17:47 AM

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Hi just wondering if some on  could help  me please? My ip adress has gone all strange and most of the sites i visit  are all unsecure its like my wifi has been hacked. Ive factory reset the router and its still the same.ive attached a pic of my ip address


You've hidden the IP address, so its kinda hard to answer your question, but also we don't know what you're IP address is supposed to be or rather what range its supposed to be in.

What do you mean its gone all strange? What do you mean the sites you visit are now insecure, how do you know, what do you mean by secure? Why do you think you're hacked?

Even if you were hacked the IP address isn't usually significant or even something the hacker would bother changing. You're possibly asking the wrong question. What's the actual real world issue you are facing? Is it possible you're simply connecting to a different network?


must be the really strange IPv6 address

My Moral Fibers have been cut.


The IP addresses that you didn't black out are newer versions of IP addresses, also known as IPv6 addresses. Those are normal and are very common on cellular networks. Because devices can have multiple IPv6 addresses, they get multiple addresses, each with a different purpose.

The IP address you blacked out is your home IP address. I'm 99.999999% certain it's That's from your home router, most likely. That's not giving out any major information since almost all home routers will use an address that starts with 192.168, 172.16, or 10. There's a standard that permits that, so that's what they use.

So more to your point... we should look at what changed between when things were good and now and see if we can get them back to being good again.

So, what changed that you know of? Did you install any apps? Take your phone with you to a coffee shop with free wifi that you used?
Take a baseball bat and trash all the routers, shout out "IT'S A NETWORK PROBLEM NOW, SUCKERS!" and then peel out of the parking lot in your Ferrari.
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Are you sure your time and date settings are correct? That would cause issues with certificates, etc.