Excercising and loosing weight

Started by LynK, March 12, 2015, 03:35:48 PM

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So... yeah. I'd figure I would be the first guy to bring this thread up.

So far I am finishing my 3rd week back at the Gym. I have always been a big guy. (I was in good shape at 270-280). But since working full time I have really let myself go physically. So I have decided to make a big change in my life. Loose weight. I've seen others do it and succeed... but never myself.

My starting weight was 390.4, and I am currently 378. Been dieting for just under a week now. I feel better than I did before, but not extravagant. Hopefully I can continue this all the way?

How/when do you guys work out? Thoughts/suggestions? I'm currently comfortable at 1500 calories a day. I go to the gym 4-5 times a week. 20-40 minutes of cardio and an 1 - 1 1/2 hours lifting.

Just curious to see if I am not the only one?  :joy:
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Yeah with everything going on the gym and most workouts are cut from my day. I had about 5+ years of back issues that finally cleaned up and I was able to get into the gym again about 2 years ago.

In those two years I dropped some weight but I am starting to pick it back up now. My workouts where always during lunch as we have a free gym at the hospital. Workouts where always around an hour. 30 min cardio and 30 min free weights.

Good luck dude and keep at it!!


Quote from: LynK on March 12, 2015, 03:35:48 PMHow/when do you guys work out?

I'm a cyclist.  When the weather allows, I'm riding about 150 miles per week.   In the winter, I'm on the indoor trainer for about 5 hours per week. 

Not only do I like the fitness aspects, with a power meter and GPS data, I have a lot of numbers to crunch and enjoy the analysis and progress.


How tall are you? Your starting weight is a little under my current weight. I max a 400lb scale currently, but was comfortable at 270 during my Army years. Rowing machines used to be my go to back then along with long distance running. I used to run a 5K in the morning, and other after work 3 or 4 days a week, and a 10K on the weekend. Now I probably can't get to the end of the block.

Right now my goal is to cut calories, and eat healthier without the workouts. My big downfall right now is Buffalo Wild Wings. I love their wings, but at 100 calories each, plus ranch, plus fries one meal is more than your entire daily intake. I was going 5 or 6 times a week sometimes twice a day. I stopped cold turkey almost two weeks ago when my wife and I went on vacation. Been eating healthier, and once I get used to eating better I will have more energy, and be more willing to work out. In just these two weeks I have already noticed more energy, and I don't crash on the couch as soon as I get home. The problem being I can't just go out and run. 400lbs and running is not good on the body. I also don't want to burn out trying to do everything at once. Go slow, and make it a habit instead of something I am doing to lose weight. This way I don't stop, and gain the weight back again.



I mainly lift weights and play soccer now, but I occasionally do runs and triathlons.

I used to be big into cycling, but I guess I've lost interest/motivation over the years :(.  It's either too hot in the summer or it's raining, and I am NOT waking up at the butt crack of dawn to go cycling.  I've thought about getting a bigger and badder bike, hoping that will reignite the interest.

I also did swimming during my triathlon training, and that was surprisingly really fun. 

I'm 5'10, and at my heaviest I was 225.  Cycling and P90X got me to 185.  Then I started hitting the weights, and now I'm at 203 with my body fat remaining at 15% since.  Eliminating fast food, juice, soda, unhealthy prepackaged/processed food and sweets helped a lot.  Increasing my veggie intake, diversifying what I ate and the frequency and quantity helped a lot too.  I also watched a lot of food/eating documentaries to relearn what to eat and how to eat.  It's not easy, and overall it's a lifestyle and culture change...not a diet. 

Keep at it, stay consistent, stay disciplined, and don't give up! But yes, do cheat from time to time.

Good luck


Im usually pretty active but what kills me is beer and food. We actually eat pretty healthy but I tend to over-eat. And the beer... Yeah I love beer and my gut can prove that :|


Quote from: that1guy15 on March 13, 2015, 09:18:50 AM
Im usually pretty active but what kills me is beer and food. We actually eat pretty healthy but I tend to over-eat. And the beer... Yeah I love beer and my gut can prove that :|

beer fridge powered by pedal bike....  pedal for a half hour, have a cold beer, and pedal to keep your beer cold while you are embibing.


My Moral Fibers have been cut.


The problem with Micro-brews I dont mind drinking them warm.


Quote from: Otanx on March 12, 2015, 04:49:19 PM
How tall are you?

I am 6'3". Pretty tall dude.

Kind of funny, but I have gotten into an interest that when I am eating dinner watching bizarre foods on the travel channel.... lol... kind of weird.

Edit #2:

I LOVE buffalo wild wings. I used to get their large boneless everytime i went. Carribean Jerk, Desert heat, hot BBQ, and spicy garlic.... mmmmmmmmm
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            Me: "You have an incorrect Default Gateway"


I have contemplated this a lot. I used to run everyday before buying a house. I'm 6' 5" and used to be about 250, I'm not about 260. Back in my Navy days I was 225. Now it seems when it's nice outside I have no shortage of house projects and exercise gets forgotten. And I to have a beer problem. I'll try anything once, I'm on an IPA kick right now. I have been trying to eat more healthy and have been doing a good job I think but overeating is also an issue for me. In the past I've been horrible with water, for the past six months I've been bringing a clear 32oz cup to work and making an effort to watch where I'm at throughout the day with at least one refill. That's now working to change my mind at home and I'm drinking more water there too.

My co-worker runs almost daily and hits the gym at lunch a few times a week. I just can't seem to care enough to get up early and have no desire to be spend my afternoon in dry sweat.

And now you guys have me worried...only one BWW in town. Second one is opening soon...just a few blocks from my house. Staggering distance if you ask me.
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Wait till you have kids dude! A prego wife with two small kids = a house full of junk food. Luckly Im not into sugur but chips, nuts and salty I will eat everything!


6'4", weight at 230-240 for a long time, so I'm good at maintaining. I just eat less and chill about it. I like walks since I have some kind of condition that destroys me if I over-exert.
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I'm 6'1 and 215 now. Started the year @ 230. Work our 2-3x a week (short on time) and shifted my diet off of carbs. Its helped a lot. I dealt with the 'Keto Flu' for about 2 weeks but now much smoother. My favorite thing about this diet- the energy ebbs are gone. No 2pm drag, no after lunch bloating and I get to eat all the semi healthy fats I want. Mmm bacon


I'm around 6ft. I started going to the gym again back in last August. I have been touching on weighing 180lbs but each time I get there things will come up and I'll drop a bit down to 175 ish. I know I don't eat enough. Though I can eat all day and not seem to put any weight on.

I do go to the gym every morning before work for between 30 and 60 minutes (depends how quickly I can get out of bed, drink a pre-workout drink and eat a banana or two). I've managed to work up to benching 200lbs not including what ever the bar weighs, may be 35 to 40lbs. I could do 100lbs in free weights on a dumb bell press.

Actually, I've been trying this new pre-workout drink called Defcon. I already had a high metabolism but this has increased it further and has caused me to lose weight. I would think that by drinking this in the morning and doing cardio before you go to work you should burn tons of energy. But you will need to eat the right food to keep yourself from getting too hungry so your body doesn't go into starvation mode and store fat immediately when you next eat.

Working out in the morning, if you can wake yourself up, I've found to be the most beneficial.


Quote from: that1guy15 on March 13, 2015, 11:59:17 AMA prego wife with two small kids = a house full of junk food.

I have a few more than 2 kids, all of which are young.  Because I track my cycling performance (post workout notes on perceived effort, HR monitor data, Power Meter data), it's pretty easy to spot times where my nutrition intake is sub-optimal. 

Easy workouts are harder, I'm more tired in the evenings after work, and I'm less motivated to keep doing it.  It's a viscous cycle.  I don't want to feel like that, so sticking to a diet isn't all that difficult.  Plus, when the food is "clean", I can eat a lot more.