ASK THE HEADHUNTER You can’t recruit for competitive advantage if everybody’s got the same algorithm

Started by deanwebb, May 29, 2018, 06:02:04 AM

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You can't recruit for competitive advantage if everybody's got the same algorithm

In the May 29, 2018 Ask The Headhunter Newsletter we take a look at how companies recruit the same and why it’s unwise. Question I run a sizable company. Like our competitors, we’re finding it difficult to recruit the people we need to grow our business. We all talk about competitive advantage being the crucial factor, and I’ve always believed a company’s competitive advantage comes from its people. But it’s easier said than done to find people with the skills we need. My vice president of HR gave me some of your articles and I find what you say troubling, that

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Source: You can't recruit for competitive advantage if everybody's got the same algorithm
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