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Setting up GNS3

Started by Qydra, March 26, 2015, 08:27:42 PM

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Okay, so I have GNS3 installed, and I'm able to open up to the workspace.  Is there anything else I need to set up inside of it, or am I able to get to work?


You need to locate IOS images of the equipment you wish to use in GNS3. This software is property of Cisco. This website is not an authorized distributor of Cisco products, including its IOS images, so we will not provide that software. Each student is encouraged to use available resources to locate appropriate IOS images. If one owns compatible hardware, which can be purchased cheaply on eBay or other online sales sites (and don't buy so-called study packages... buy the gear one piece at a time), one can copy the IOS file from the hardware and use it locally in one's GNS3 environment. That's just one suggestion.

This is one of those questions where people who are destined to be networkers will answer on their own. Those who want us to come right out and tell them an answer generally don't have the aptitude to be networking professionals.

Believe me, I *wish* someone would walk right up and tell me a quick, easy, and inexpensive solution for my PKI-DNS-DMZ-NAC-WLAN conundrum that I have right now. That answer doesn't yet exist, so I have to engineer my own solution. That means I use my resources to get a solution that everyone can agree to.

Go and do thou likewise, young grasshopper!

Take a baseball bat and trash all the routers, shout out "IT'S A NETWORK PROBLEM NOW, SUCKERS!" and then peel out of the parking lot in your Ferrari.
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