ASA-X migrate to FTD - Anyconnect licenses

Started by Dieselboy, September 28, 2018, 12:03:56 AM

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I couldnt see how my 50 Anyconnect license could be moved to FTD so I raised a case. Licensing team said it's not possible to migrate them and I would have to by the licenses again.  :eek: Not really prepared to do that since the 50 SSL licenses were a few thousand dollars.

Does anyone have experience with this yet, can you suggest any better way forward? I'm keen to move to FTD to resolve a ASA Firepower SSL decryption bug and this is the only thing stopping me.


separate the VPN services, and keep them on the ASA?

My Moral Fibers have been cut.


As far as I know you can't do that because FTD takes the whole asa.


I looked up the 50 SSL license part number for FTD and they cost $15,000 AUD.  :twitch:

The only reason for migrating is to resolve the broken firepower SSL decryption product ref: CSCvm32267

Will speak to our AM to see if there's a way forward with FTD otherwise I wont be migrating as it will cost me almost $20,000 AUD which to put it simply is to fix the broken Firepower product.


Try out Pulse Secure, it's the bee's knees.

And you can get a fully functional VM with 3 licenses for free!


Thanks for the tip! Going to stick with anyconnect as it's already deployed to my users and sometimes they have a hard enough time using that  :mrgreen:

Will keep this in mind for the future though! Could be good for our public cloud accesses!


Eccch licensing, I was *so* tempted to delete this thread because of licensing... :smug:
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