Wifi Authentication query

Started by djstevematthews, June 04, 2015, 02:38:14 PM

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Hi everyone i hope there is someone that can stop my head from exploding and explain how this is possible....

Ive checked in to a hotel and bought their wifi, which allows me 3 devices on it using the same code..

I went to my 2nd laptop and connected to the "ultimate wifi" and found it auto authenticated and im now using 2 devices of 3????

(If u didnt get that a 2nd device ive just turned on in my hotel room auto authenticated without asking for a code)

I then gave my code to my work colleague (in a different room) my code and said use my final device allocation, only to get a message saying "code already in use". i then pulled out my iphone back in my room and managed to make it my 3rd device..

My question is.... Is it possible that the wifi is limited to my room in the hotel to stop people passing codes around?? Also how can a device (never connected before) auto authenticate using a code I bought from reception 10 mins ago?????

Hope someone can explain this


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Take a baseball bat and trash all the routers, shout out "IT'S A NETWORK PROBLEM NOW, SUCKERS!" and then peel out of the parking lot in your Ferrari.
"The world could perish if people only worked on things that were easy to handle." -- Vladimir Savchenko
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Accounting is architecture, remember that!
Air gaps are high-latency Internet connections.


Not ap specific

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Someone spoofing the wifi, but not doing the authentication. Then they can MITM all your communications to the internet. It is a known attack vector. FBI published a warning about it a few years ago. Just a guess on my part, but that is the first thing I thought of.



This is a hotel chain so imagine it's legal.. It so strange, I had both devices side by side.. Signed in on laptop with the code and then refreshed safari on my iPhone and it said 2 out of 3 devices in use

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I know this is an old thread but it's still on page 1 so I've not dug it up :)

It sounds like they have location enabled and so since you've authenticated one device, it sees your other devices in the same room as you and so is allowing your other devices without bothering you for authentication.

How they've achieved it, I don't know, though. I guess with the Cisco WLC and APs that have the location antennae as well as a back end RADIUS server that is linked in with it. Not ever seen this setup I cannot picture the full picture.


Thanks DieselBoy that kinda makes sense. I'm assuming they have a lot of ap's to make it possible

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Now a days, routers have bultin autentication system and so many other features. Routers are now very smart as compaared to previous time, few days back i read an article in which they mention that now router can  use your phone signals as a battery option.

That's great!!!


Hi in wifi after loging to 1st device the 2nd is authentication directly means may be the cracker software is installed in it so you need to cross check with it and also cross check with IP address .i hope you may see the result..