Recertification Question

Started by Splat, January 16, 2023, 08:39:15 PM

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Hi Everyone,

I've been going back and forth with Cisco support on this, but I'm not getting an answer that makes sense.  I'm hoping someone has gone through this already.

I have an active CCNP-ENT and CCNP-DC, I renewed last year with the 350-601 so both are valid through 2025.

My Plan is to take the DevNet 350-901 in 2025 in order to renew both CCNPs through 2028.  Cisco confirmed this was possible.

Next, I would take a DevNet specialty, like 300-435 in order to get the DevNet pro.  Do the CCNP's renew again when I obtain the DevNet pro cert?  Cisco is telling me no, that I need to take a second specialty.  This does not make sense to me.

If that is true, it seems like I'll always be in a pattern where the expiration date of the Pro certs are out of sync and I'll be taking a specialty every year to renew a different Pro level cert.  This brings up a whole new set of scenarios and questions.

Hopefully someone has gone through this and can shed some light?  Thanks!


The 300-435 exam counts as half a CCNP recertification. You need 80 credits to renew a CCNP. The 300-* series is worth 40 credits each. 350-* is 80 credits. CCIE exams are also worth 80. You can also take classes, or go to Cisco Live to get credits as well.

You can check this yourself if you login to the Cisco Certmetrics website:
Look under the Certifications - Cert Status and click on one of your CCNPs. It will tell you the different methods of renewing.



You can check this yourself if you login to the Cisco Certmetrics website:
Look under the Certifications - Cert Status and click on one of your CCNPs. It will tell you the different methods of renewing.

Thanks, that is a good resource. 

I also got a clearer response back from Cisco.  It seems earning another professional level cert will renew all other professional level certs, starting from the date you earned it, not the date of the last Core exam.
Once you passed both of the 350-901 DEVCOR and 300-435 ENAUTO exams, you will earn the DevNet Professional. It will also recertify your other certifications as well.

That's the rule in Certifications, once recertification requirements are met to a certain level of certification, it will recertify your certification(s). Whether you took the exams for the purpose of obtaining a new certification, intentional or not.


Good question, and it brings up also now that Cisco allows learning credits in lieu of mo' cert exams to stay current on their certifications.
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