How do I prevent pfsense dhcp to go upstream?

Started by yhoofan, February 21, 2023, 10:26:15 AM

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So at the moment. I have my virtual machines partitioned in a way that they can't interact with each other and grouped via a new network instead of a vlan. I do not want to vlan my network. I do not want to put pfsense in front of my network. and if anything opnsense is my vm right now.

Networking pfsense is weird. wan which is my physical lan is which is opnsense wan, opnsense lan

What works. Setting a static route in router pointing to , then adding a physical nic to opnsense lan switch so can see network.
Issues: WLAN devices answer faster to opnsense dhcp request  , making them on another network which can't see physical devices, this is an issue for IoT devices.

What doesn't work. Setting up firewall rules, 1:1 , no natting , block blogon and private network unchecked. nothing works unless i add a physical nic to the switch of pfsense lan

please. help :(


If you don't want to break your network into VLANs, then the fastest DHCP server wins in terms of servicing DHCP requests. The solution would be to only have the one DHCP server (pfsense) and turn off the undesired one (opensense). If you want to have both act as DHCP servers, but for different groups of devices, then you will need VLANs for those device groups that only forward DHCP requests to one server or the other, depending on the device types being considered.
Take a baseball bat and trash all the routers, shout out "IT'S A NETWORK PROBLEM NOW, SUCKERS!" and then peel out of the parking lot in your Ferrari.
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